Shooting Range in Shreveport, LA

Range 1
“Hero’s Corner” has 8 – 25 yard lanes rated up to .300 Win Mag and salutes our local first responders and military installations.

Range 2

Range 3
“Sportsman’s Paradise” has 3 – 100 yard indoor lanes (Louisiana’s ONLY) rated up to .50BMG and pays respect to the bounty of our great state.
Shreveport Shooting Range
Additional Shooting Range Information
All 19 lanes are supplied with 100% FRESH air, 100% of the time. Although a year-round temp of 68-70 degrees is nice, the temperature is just lagniappe. Air movement is what keeps our guests and employees safe. Our air handlers have the capability to turn over the entire volume of air in each bay in approximately ONE minute. What does that mean to you the guest; NO gunpowder smell, NO smoke in your eyes and an environment that is actually safer than shooting outdoors.
All 19 lanes are equipped with the industry’s leading target systems. Typical shooting ranges have target carriers that are static in nature. By static we mean the shooter flips a switch and the carrier moves away until the shooter releases said switch at the desired (and assumed) distance they want to “train” at. At Red River Range, static shooting is dead and DYNAMIC training is in. Step up to the touchscreen console, select your course of fire, and get to work. Target carriers will move back and forth thru varying distances and turn between “shoot” and “no shoot” scenarios. With 10 preprogrammed pistol scenarios and 10 preprogrammed rifle scenarios and the ability to create custom courses of fire, you can push your training to the next level. Of course, if you like that static approach you can still do that to.
Red River Range isn’t just for firearms. Louisiana is the “Sportsman’s Paradise” and Red River Range is Shreveport’s version. Along with the pistol and rifle lanes inside, outside hosts two separate archery areas as well as a stocked fish pond and recreation area. With amenities to satisfy everyone’s interests, Red River Range is a destination for the whole family.
Located in the heart of Shreveport, Red River Range provides convenient access to LA HWY 3132, I-49 and I-20.
Red River Range is situated on 6.5 acres off of Line Ave at the end of American Way in the midst of Shreveport’s growing sports district. Neighbors include D1 Sports, The EDGE Physical Therapy, Shreveport Indoor Soccer and AcroSports.
Cost to Shoot
The cost to rent a lane is $27.50 for a 25 yard lane and $33 for a 100 yard lane. If sharing the lane with a second shooter (MAX 2 ADULTS PER LANE), the second shooter is half price. Lane rental is guaranteed for at least an hour. As long as no one is waitiing though, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like for no additional charge.