Basic Handgun 100


Our instructors cover safety, actions, maintenance, operation and proper shooting positions. Small class sizes for individual attention.


50 rounds of ammunition, a handgun (or we can provide a rental for you), ear and eye protection. We encourage students to attend our Louisiana CCW course after Basic Handgun 100. This is a four-hour course. Three hours Classroom / one-hour Range.

Intermediate Handgun 200
Beyond the Basics I

Intermediate handgun course that will challenge you and prepare you for the next level. Conceal Carry classes are usually just the bare minimum to satisfy state requirements – this class takes you beyond the state minimums and teaches real skills beyond the basics.


Our instructors cover drawing from the holster, proper presentation, precision shooting drills, weak and strong hand drills, accuracy, and re-holster. Introduction to clearing of malfunctions and re engaging threats. Engaging multiple threats and re index of threats / threat identification. Magazine changes and engaging from stationary positions behind cover.


100 rounds of ammunition, an inside waistband or outside waistband holster (Concealed carry purses are allowed), handgun with minimum 3 magazines or speed loaders / strips / moon clips. Hat with brim is recommended. No Serpa holsters, nylon holsters, or open toed shoes. Bring a lunch , snack, and water. Ear and eye protection. This is a five-hour course. Classroom 3 hours, Range 2 hours. Students must have completed RRR Basic Handgun 100 or NRA Basic Pistol or instructor permission with documentation. Highly encouraged students have Louisiana CCW before advancing to this level.

Advanced Handgun 300
Beyond the Basics II

Advanced tactical handgun course designed to simulate real life stressors and engagements. Tis class takes you even further beyond the basics and continues the training for “students of the gun”.


Our instructors have been through multiple combat engagements and bring that knowledge to you in this course. We start with warm up / battlefield mindset. Increasing pistol accuracy under real life stressors, physiological effects of engagements. Target failure drills, weak and strong hand drills. Draw from holster and tactical carry positions. Clearing of malfunctions during engagements. Engaging asymmetrical threats utilizing cover and while moving. Tactical magazine changes and threat Identification. Tactical egress of engagement area. Written and range exam will be conducted.


300 rounds of ammunition, an inside waistband or outside waistband holster (Concealed carry purses are allowed), handgun with minimum 3 magazines or speed loaders / strips / moon clips. Hat with brim is recommended. No Serpa holsters, nylon holsters, or open toed shoes. Bring a lunch , snack, and water. Ear and eye protection. This is an five-hour course with 1 1/2 hours classroom and 3 1/2 hours of range. Mandatory Louisiana CCW or CCW from a state with reciprocity, and Basic Handgun 100, Intermediate Handgun 200 or equivalent.